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Spaghetti Marketing- New Way To Promote Affiliate Products

Spaghetti Marketing Review - Seeing What Sticks:

Hi Everyone!  Glad to be back with another product that I feel should be on everyone's radar, called Spaghetti Marketing, a guide to making money with Zazzle. What's so great about Spaghetti Marketing and why do I feel everyone should want a copy?  Well, that's the easy part. You see, whether you are a beginner or a veteran to making money online and are seeking additional ways to add another income stream,  you will find that Donna Morti has provides something totally different from the norm.

New Marketing Techniques To Promote Products
New Marketing Techniques To Promote Products

What makes this product so different?  Let's take a look under the hood.

Straight out of the box...ok, zip file, you will discover:
*Spaghetti Marketing-main guide
*Supplemental guides from Thomas Carlson & Shaun Chu
*Halloween keywords listing
*Guide to finding your own keywords

I don't know about you, but I'm a PDF kind of girl, so I really appreciate that Spaghetti Marketing was delivered in that format.  I like being able to print out a copy and put it into a folder as a reference.  This product is no different.  It definitely deserves a place on your desk for reference, especially when getting started. Don't get me wrong, the process presented is not a difficult one. But, it does utilize many Web 2.0 sites, so it will help you stay focused and in control while learning the strategies given. It takes a while for things to become a habit, you know.  However, if you are like me and your printer happens to be on the fritz, you'll just have to keep your pdf copy open, along with your working tabs of Web 2.0 sites you have open.

Now, let me warn you, you better have lots of ink in your printer if you plan to print this baby out. Why?  Because there are LOADS of screenshots laid out for you to follow. When coupled with a no-fluff, no-nonsense approach, it is hand-holding at its best!  I don't know about you, but that's the kind of guide(s) I look for.  Even though this product is a 101 page PDF, it has 95 pages of goodness that you will be glad you have in your hot little hands.

Did I have questions when going through this product?  You bet.  I have yet to find any product that I wasn't left with a couple of questions, no matter how good the product.  Why is that?  Because we all come from different walks of life and have had different experiences leading up to that point.

It's one thing to have questions and quite another for questions to go unanswered. I'm sure, like me, you have products that you've acquired that once the seller got your money...they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Never to be seen again. You will not find that to the be case here.

Donna Morti, the creator of Spaghetti Marketing, is and was highly responsive to any concerns and questions that I had.  I don't mean simple, little one-liners, type responses either that some give you because they don't want to be bothered.  I'm talking full, in-depth responses, which took considerable time to compose. And she was quick to respond.  If that wasn't enough, she continued  to offer additional support, saying that if I had any more questions to just email her.  Support like that is more important than GOLD to me. Gold is nice to possess, but if you don't know how to make it work for you, you might as well not have it, right?

What makes Spaghetti Marketing guide different?  

Most guides for making money online promote the usual - Amazon, Squidoo (which just sold out to HubPages), Clickbank, etc.  As you probably already know, Amazon is great to be an affiliate for because of the trust factor their customer's have for Amazon...but the commissions, well, let's just say they are not so great. Because of that factor, many won't apply as an affiliate for Amazon. So, when searching for another affiliate program to promote, obviously expected commissions from a sale are on the top of everyone's list, including mine.

Spaghetti Marketing is about promoting products through Zazzle.  Zazzle pays a nice affiliate commission of 15% with a 45 day cookie compared to Amazon's 4% commission and 24 hour cookie. In addition, Donna promotes Amazon products too, and uses a tool which helps speed up the process of setting up both Amazon and Zazzle campaigns. And, I love that you don't have to wait for approval to become an affiliate with Zazzle.  You can start the process immediately.  No excuses not to get started right way. Procrastination flies right out the window.

Some might balk at having additional monthly or yearly cost associated with a tool, but it makes the process faster and simpler, so that you can complete more campaigns to compound your earnings. While I understand that times are tough, the tool is not that expensive to use at monthly or yearly fee. Plus, if you take action, and set up a bunch of campaigns as Donna does, the tool will pay for itself in no time.

OH, and let's not forget, if you live in a state that does no allow you to become an Amazon affiliate, it's not a problem with Zazzle. So, let's get busy!

Come take a walk with me, as I go through the product...

Pg. 5  Hello! Right out of the gate, I learn that I can have thin content sites and make money. How many of you can say that, since all of Google's recent updates?  So, when considering this product, ask yourself these questions:

*Do I hate to write? (Like my daughter)
*Do I need a simple, quick way to make money that doesn't require me to write a massive amount of content to keep Google happy?
*Do I need a method for bringing in extra money that I can set up quickly, so that it doesn't take away from my more demanding niche/review sites?
*Do I want to make money, but not have to be out the expense of putting up a lot of self-hosted sites?
*Do I want Web 2.0 properties that will accept my thin content and not have a difficult approval process?

If the answers to these questions are YES, then keep reading, this product is for you!

One of the things I LOVE about this product is that Donna has done the leg work for us.  She contacted the sites she works with, using this method to find out if they would have a problem with her thin content, triple loaded, affiliate linked sites. (Ok, she didn't say triple-loaded, but it sounded good, right?) But lots of affiliate links, none the less. Boy, that was a mouth full!  So, you will know who frowns on these sites and who doesn't have a problem with them.

Pg. 7 provided a great little list of product category ideas to choose from to get started.  These sites/pages created from this list of categories are ones that do not require indepth reviews, in fact, not even articles.  This concept, in it's appearance, reminds me a lot of an ecommerce type of site, because it requires so few "characters/letters".  Get the idea?

Pg. 8 goes into the importance of visuals and why these type of sites do well, even though Google doesn't like thin sites.

Pg. 9 I had some questions that I sent to Donna just now and will come back to update this section with her response.

Pg 10-15 Signing up for Zazzle's Affiliate Program.

Pg. 16-17 Amazon Affiliate Program sign up instructions.  Here, I would have liked more information on what kind of websites would be best to submit to Amazon, so that there wouldn't be a problem getting approved as an Amazon affiliate.

If you are a beginner and just getting started, here are my suggestions for getting approved as an affiliate for Amazon. I would suggest that you:

*Create a websites with say 5 articles,  5 images (one for each article) and include either videos you make or include YouTube videos that are applicable to your site's content. Note: I don't recommend that you start out with "review" articles, unless you have no links at all to them. If you do include them, use restraint and provide a mixture of different types of articles.

*When I submitted a site to Amazon for affiliate approval that was the criteria I used, and was automatically approved as an affiliate.  I mean really.  To my shock, I submitted the day before Thanksgiving and approval came in on Thanksgiving! So, I know you shouldn't have any trouble getting approved that way.  Just don't think that you can throw up, shall we say CRAP, and expect to get approved.  Be professional, write your best articles and put your best foot forward.  Google will also recognize your efforts as well.

Donna mentioned in her guide that Amazon is not thrilled with thin content and loads of links, and that you could potentially put your account with Amazon at risk, so...I'll be going back through the guide to see if I missed something or if I need to get clarification from Donna.  Either way, I'll keep you posted on how best to promote the "Spaghetti Marketing" way using Amazon products, if Amazon is not thrilled with thin content.  Either way, don't do "thin" content when submitting your site for affiliate approval from Amazon.

Pg. 18-39 is where Donna gets into the usage of the tool, Easy Product Displays, that drastically cuts down on the implementation process.  She takes you by the hand and tells you why she chooses to do something a particular way and what to include in your descriptions and not to include.

Pg. 40-94 Takes you through each of the Web 2.0 sites used to pull off campaigns and setting up each site using the tool.

Pg. 95 shows the list of Web 2.0 sites previously discussed and how to set up your system of operation as I call it.

Pg. 96-101 Offers tips to using other affiliate networks with this strategy.

You will notice that most of the time is spent teaching you how to utilize the tool to speed up the process of setting up your site's campaigns.

Now, you might be asking, "Yeah, but what about keyword research?" How can I set up sites/pages or campaigns, if I don't know what kind of keywords to go after.

That's provided for you in the bonus guides in this product. Donna realized that keyword research might be a problem for beginners and sought out supplemental guides to help, since that was not the focus of her product.

What about traffic, you ask?  Well, obviously, you can utilize social media of your choice to help promote your campaigns. Given the nature of how this strategy or method works, and the products and keywords targeted, Google will automatically dish up organic traffic to your sites.  How much and how dependable this last step is for getting traffic is yet to be seen.

Ten Reasons To LOVE Spaghetti Marketing:

*Offers a quick and simple solution to setting up affiliate products on sites/pages, especially if you're using the recommended tool. ( Note: I think to do this without the tool would defeat the purpose of using these sites).

*Allows users to add additional revenue streams to their livelihood (Who couldn't use another income stream).

*It's great for those who hate to write and/or don't have time for a full fledged site, due to other labor intensive niche sites they have to maintain.

*Provides for a higher commission percentage and a longer cookie

*Has the Web 2.0 sites (used in this method) Seal of Approval lessening the risk and worry of having "your shop" closed down, if you know what I mean.)

*Don't have to create full-fledged websites, just web pages.

*Doesn't use the same old methods...Blogger, Squidoo (which just bit the dust by selling out to HubPages) and of course, HubPages.

*Each Web 2.0 site was selected solely for aesthetic type products

*Zazzle Seller & Affiliate Tips from a Proseller - provides another site not mentioned on which to promote affiliate products as well and offers tips not presented in the main guide.

*Keyword research provided by Shaun Chu -which uses some free/paid tools for keyword research, so beginners or those strapped for cash can carry out the needed keyword research without financial worry.

As you can see, Spaghetti Marketing has you covered in a new way of marketing by using lots of different sites with minimal (practically no) content.  It doesn't get better than that. You gotta love it!

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