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Showing posts from March, 2013

Google's Recent Panda Update - What It Means For Your Success

Hi Everyone! I recently was prompted to do some digging as the proverbial Google waters are being tested once again with one of Google's Panda updates. As you may or may not know, I have been looking for a permanent home for my site.   By that, I'm referring to a self-hosted site. Not because I am not appreciative of this platform, but rather because I need to create a home for reaching my visitors.  In doing so, I have been seeking the best practices for setting up and creating my website, so that it is intuitive, and will keep readers on my site.  And as Tiffany Dow always stresses on her blog, we need to inject our personality into our blog, as well as put our readers needs before our own.  So, it goes without saying, that we should... Concentrate your efforts on doing for others, rather than doing for yourself! As much as I would love to throw daggers at Google for all the   algorithms changes, I can't.  When I...
Embrace Your Mistakes In Online Marketing: Hi Everyone!  Hope you all are having a wonderful day!  I learned some things yesterday, that I wanted to share with you, so that you won't make the same mistakes that I did on my blog posts . I learned some new things about myself, this blogspot (Blogger) blog, and online marketing in general. First, let me say, that I'm never going to profess to be something I'm NOT, nor pretend to know something that I don't.  However, I will share information with you that I have implemented or read and compared it to what I already know about a particular subject. So, when I emailed Tiffany Dow saying that I was amazed at how well my Blogger blog posts were ranking in Google, I felt that it was beca use one of se veral th ings.   Either , Google was showing favor , because it was it's child . Or , because it was the leng th of my posts, or perhaps it was because I might actually be doi ng something right. . .BUT for...

Azon Attitude Adjustment Review - Part 2

As you will recall in my last review write up, we were discussing the advantages of finding ways around being in a banned Amazon state...BU T, what many of you may not realize is that by implementing Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0 , you can get an "Instant Amazon Commission Boost"!     Yes, you heard right, it can produc e an instant Amazon Commisison Boost, if you take the time to do the math!   Here's how and why you should consider joining the ranks of those who ha ve already signed up to the two site s discu ssed in Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0 10 GOOD Reasons To Use Azon Attitude Adjustment: * Live in a banned state, but still want to become an Amazon affiliate to promote physical products. * Was previously an Amazon affiliate, only for your state to become banned, and have recently lost your affiliate account. * Set up feeder sites to your money site and promote products using these two companies links to sell products through. * Use along...

Azon Attitude Adjustment Review

   Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0 Review: Anyone familiar with Squidoo knows that if you live in a banned Amazon state, one way to get around the situation is to join a third party site, such as presented in Azon Attitude Adjustment . Although, I do not live in a banned state, YET, the state I am in almost cut tie s with Amazon back in April of 20 12.  So, it was thing that I started considering other options just in case. I wanted to be an affiliate for Amazon and continue to do so, so I knew I had only a few o ptions : 1.  S et up a business "front" with a mailing address and LL C in another state and have mail forwar ded to you home address. 2.   Use Squidoo as a platform and use their Amazon modules. 3.   Use the se o ne or both of these two sites.  I don't mention these by name since Jeff does not mention them in the sales copy , nor in the sales thread so far.  So, in my effor ts to main tain integrity to the product a...