Hi Everyone! I recently was prompted to do some digging as the proverbial Google waters are being tested once again with one of Google's Panda updates. As you may or may not know, I have been looking for a permanent home for my site. By that, I'm referring to a self-hosted site. Not because I am not appreciative of this platform, but rather because I need to create a home for reaching my visitors. In doing so, I have been seeking the best practices for setting up and creating my website, so that it is intuitive, and will keep readers on my site. And as Tiffany Dow always stresses on her blog, we need to inject our personality into our blog, as well as put our readers needs before our own. So, it goes without saying, that we should... Concentrate your efforts on doing for others, rather than doing for yourself! As much as I would love to throw daggers at Google for all the algorithms changes, I can't. When I...
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