eCommerce Mastery Review - Part 3
As we continue with the third and final portion of eCommerce Mastery Review, we begin on page 18, number 5, eCommerce Mastery, which covers a technique that can prove to be very successful.
I know of one marketer who does something similar to this with a popular product that is in demand and highly competitive for a couple of products he markets.
So, in order to compete with Amazon and other vendors or marketers, he has his packaged a little differently and thereby, manages to sell more of his items. This has proven very successful for him.
As he scales it up to much more than just what is suggested on page 19.
Here, we are given a short list of well known places that any and everyone has heard of. I can't imagine anyone not knowing of these sources, and while traffic is mentioned it is not the focus of this course.
So, it is understandable, if you are seeking ways to drive traffic to your websites, product offers listed on other sites, etc. you will definitely need another course for that.
If you are not comfortable dealing with driving traffic to your site or product offers yourself, please be careful who you choose to help you with that task. Only white-hat methods should be considered.
Double Dip Your Way To Extra Revenue Streams:
Although, the idea of "Double Dipping" didn't come from eCommerce Mastery, I thought it might be one that you would appreciate.
It is a concept that I suggest that every ecommerce (or even Kindle) entrepreneur utilize to the fullest.
One such site that you will want to use to market or sell your products through is Amazon. Don't confuse this with being an affiliate of Amazon.
Although, when you sell something using Amazon's FBA program, you can set up a site, so that your visitors can use your affiliate link and then place their order there.
When that happens, you not only receive all your profit margin on the product minus the FBA fee, but you also get a commission for the sale! How cool is that?! It's like "Double Dipping". Have you ever heard of that?
At least that is how it was before when I did all my research over the last couple of years, so I assume that it is still the same.
Unlike in years past, Amazon has started promoting individual sellers now, so it seems that if you have a desire to do anything with ecommerce, now is a good time to get on board.
On page 21, number 1, is NOT something that I would suggest doing. I understand why it was included, but don't feel the need to put someone's livelihood in jeopardy, if they don't have to...unless of course, you have money to burn.
As mentioned on page 21-22, eCommerce Mastery includes a bonus for setting up your own website and a free template to set up your own ecommerce site. It is not a Wordpress theme, but rather a HTML template. So, keep that in mind.
However, if you are technologically challenged and not comfortable in doing that yourself, Sean had provided two sources for that as well.
Don't Re-Invent The Wheel:
Some of the more valuable information presented in eCommerce Mastery has to do with how Sean says that he finally made his sales soar. I firmly believe it is a good thing to do, if done correctly and ethically.
As such, whether it has to do with the products you sell, the layout of your site, or creating an enticing headline to get the attention of your buyers, always be observant. You can learn a lot, if you just pay attention. So...
Make no mistake, I am not suggesting that you plagarize or steal others works. Quite the contrary! BUT...there is much to be learned from observing others in all areas of marketing.
Sean, in eCommerce Mastery, suggests applying "Copy What Works!" to 5 different areas. All important areas in their own right.
The next area of concern for most, if not all, marketers is traffic, and while traffic is mentioned, it is certainly not discussed in any real depth. After all, traffic is not the focus of this course.
Other areas that you may find tempting to include in your business, (especially after you get it off the ground), includes areas that will free up your time for more inportant tasks and... alleviate your having to do the grunt work that you find no pleasure in doing.
Some interesting inclusions that you might find value in has to do with outsourcing, dealing with your customers, and the tools and resources list.
In addition to these, eCommerce Mastery, presents a very basic blueprint from finding your products to the end result of shipment to customer.
Unfortunately, I really feel this section could have been better more comprehensive overall.
Then, Sean leads into the lazy and fast way to get started. Once again, I really don't recommend doing this. I can say that visiting the site suggested to search for possible sites to purchase would be a great place for ideas! Again, Pay Attention!
Lastly, eCommerce Mastery ends with a FAQ section.
While this review had to be written a second time, as I discussed in another post, I hope you got some use out of it. I don't know that it is as indepth as the first version of this one, but I hope that it serves you well in making an informed, buying decision.
If you missed the first part of eCommerce Mastery Review, click this link. Part 2 can be found here.
If you have decided to visit the sales copy or to place an order, check it out at eCommerce Mastery.
So...there you have it!