Keyword Research Train Review - Part 2
As I, or we, continue searching for the perfect course to teach us the best way to do keyword research, I find Keyword Research Train to be the best product that I have ever found available.
Stop 2:
This section of Keyword Research Train
takes you back to the basics that most marketers suggest when
beginning to research keywords.
You are given reminders of why it is
important to do certain things and what criteria Tibor Szalay suggests for
working with this tool in particular.
The selection process used in the guide gives
specific information, some of which differs from what I have seen
other marketers use.
I really appreciated the visual screenshot with
how to determine whether you should leave a keyword alone or not.
This information alone is a tremendous help, but with the additional
criteria he uses to help pinpoint potential winners... well,it means
the difference between winning and losing...
giving up on the whole
thing or pressing onward.
As you go through the product, there are
tips to keep you focused, informed, and alert to situations that you
may or may not want to prevent.
On Pg. 21, Keyword Research Train
covers information that seems simple on the surface, but clearly
heads off extra work, if you don't know how to do this. I would say
not many people do.
Stop 3:
Pg. 24 This type
of keywords are those typically spoken of most recently. However,
I'm not too sure how many actually know or realize that there are or
should be three stages, namely STOPS to the keyword research process.
When you start
going through the information on pg. 24, you quickly understand why
it is that there is a third tier to this keyword research method
presented in Keyword Research Train.
You'll also start to understand why it is that until now,
you have not targeted the best keywords and the two obvious reasons
This stage of the
game is the cream of the crop as far as milking the most out of a
niche and meeting the 4 factors helps to ensure that is what you get
-the best possible results.
At this level, you
are better informed. I really liked the reminder that Tibor gives
toward the bottom of the page right after the 4 bullets concerning
the need to diversify traffic, along with why and how.
When reading the comparisons of the
different types of keywords, the reader becomes more familiar with
the concepts, and better able to understand whether that keyword will
drive traffic to your site and ultimately purchase through your link.
Pg. 26 puts things into even more
prospective, from the emotional state of the visitor to the kinds of
words needed to trigger the required response to click on your link.
Tibor has provided a chart with 68 such triggers! In addition to this, you are provided with...
*variety of ways and search queries to
find information and
*found something really
interesting...The tip on pg. 26-27 is no longer available and instead
of 5, there are now only 4 showing!
There is no way that I can find to increase the
number of keywords to 10 either. I have no way to change this to get
the optimum use out of it this tool. When I did find another way to
do this, it removed the ability to even get the 4! OUCH! What a disappointment!, it doesn't work at all in IE.
I know, no love lost with IE, as it's always a pain, but now I'm
afraid to try it on another browser, as it may cause it not to work
at all either.
Four is better than none I guess. So, I'll be
looking for other means of doing this instead, I guess.
on pg. 33, he suggests a tool I use and get lots of great ideas from.
It is priceless in terms of providing suggestions for finding the
buyer keywords.
Love the search queries on page 29-32.
I strongly suggest that you print out those pages.
Ohhhh, I love the next site listed, as
I've never heard of this one! Thank you, Tibor!
Once again, don't
try this site in IE as it doesn't work! Works in Chrome and even
checks for domain name availability.
Looks like a great tool and you are
even able to download your keywords. It's free, too. That's always
a plus.
Next, we are shown through step-by-step
instructions and screenshots exactly how to remove duplicates. Love
Keyword Research Is A Constant Challenge:
STOP 4: (pg. 37) This section
is a little trickier at first glance, so you might really want to
think about this a bit.
In Keyword Research Train, there is a
site that is recommended to locate this type of keyword. While I did
not find any terms underlined as mentioned in the guide, I did notice that
the related keywords were in blue.
Tried to do as instructed on pg. 39 for
the site suggested, but no luck in any browser I have and I have 5
different browsers. Perhaps the site has gone through recent updates
and everything's been changed.
Ok... Pg. 40 started out well until I
reached #5! Does not exist for me, no matter what browser I use.
I'm not sure if the problem stems beginning from 4, then 5. Either
way, I was not successful.
I did find part of what was referenced
on #5. It was located on the left instead, but still did not
disclose what we were looking for, unfortunately.
Well, that's all for now. If you would like to read the sales page and other reviews left by customers, please visit here.
If you missed the first part of this review, it can be found here.
Till next time... Have a great day!