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Azon Attitude Adjustment Review


 Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0 Review:

Anyone familiar with Squidoo knows that if you live in a banned Amazon state, one way to get around the situation is to join a third party site, such as presented in Azon Attitude Adjustment.

Although, I do not live in a banned state, YET, the state I am in almost cut ties with Amazon back in April of 2012.  So, it was thing that I started considering other options just in case.

I wanted to be an affiliate for Amazon and continue to do so, so I knew I had only a few options:

1.  Set up a business "front" with a mailing address and LLC in another state and have mail forwarded to you home address.

2.  Use Squidoo as a platform and use their Amazon modules.

3.  Use these one or both of these two sites.  I don't mention these by name since Jeff does not mention them in the sales copy, nor in the sales thread so far.  So, in my efforts to maintain integrity to the product and the product creator/vendor, I won't state the sites he uses.

While I was aware of all of these options, it has not been mandatory that I utilize these options, since my state managed to work out a deal with Amazon that is good for the next 5 years, I believe.  

BUT that does not mean that I do not keep up with this, because I know that the situation could change at anytime in the near future, and I want to be prepared for any outcome.

So, when I saw Jeff Hampton's product, Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0, I decided it was time to get my hands on a copy. Not only was I interested in the Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0, but the bonus being offered as well.

After all the bonus, Secrets of the Azon 1%, ties in with the review I did recently of Sam England and Sean Colman's eCommerce Mastery.  

As an affiliate, you can never have too many platforms to work from or revenue streams to float your business.

So, what's included in the product: 

*Azon Attitude Adjustment guide (a 35 page pdf. with MRR rights.)

*Bonus - Secrets of Azon 1 % (with MRR rights)

*Live Webinar to discuss building Azon Attitude Adjustment sites

*An additional bonus as well.  

So, when you get to the download page, not only will you find the main guide, Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0, but you will also find the "Secrets of the Azon 1%" bonus listed on the sales copy.

Normally, I'm a PDF gal.  I'd prefer to read. Better yet, depending on the product, I'd like to print it out to have as a desk reference.

Azon Attitude Adjustment 2.0 is just such a product. It is loaded with step-by-step instruction with lots of screenshots.

Not only can you use this on your self hosted sites, but you can use it on Blogger, Tumblr, Squidoo, etc., if you prefer to save the hosting and domain cost associated with a self-hosted site.

In addition to that, you might even get more mileage out of using a Web 2.0 site, as Google tends to favor some of them.  Ranking your own site, as you know can take longer, or so it seems.

Any way, Jeff shows you in the guide and the matching video who to get the affiliate code for you to use on non-Wordpress sites.

Keep in mind, that the PDF and the videos are so well produced that you can choose which you would prefer to use. You wouldn't really need to view the videos, if you don't like videos and that were the deciding factor on whether you purchase this product.

So, either way, you are most definitely covered in setting up your accounts with both companies.

Difference between Azon Attitude Adjustment 1.0 and Version 2.0: 

As it turns out, in version 1 included videos covering the product as well. As I mentioned before, I'm a PDF kind of gal. But surprisingly, I really appreciated the videos.  

Unlike some product creators, who hem and haw, Jeff Hampton did a great job with the recordings. I can't believe that I took the time to watch them.  
But I must say, the videos, along with the PDF lead you by the hand in setting up your own self-hosted sites with the plugin provided by the vendors he suggests in this guide.

However, the PDF guide is so visually appealing, and professionally done, that videos are not necessary.

From what I understand the first version only included one of the solutions for dealing with being an Amazon associate through a third party organization.   

I'm not sure if the MRR rights were included in version 1, but I'm guessing NOT.

With version 2, you are given MRR rights to the Azon Attitude Adjustment main guide and to the bonus, Secrets of the Azon 1%.

You also now have two options to choose from, which makes sense, because one of them didn't hit the scene until about two years later according to my research - past and present.

I really thought I already knew everything there was to know about these two companies untill I read this on the sales copy:

Remember, I said I did not live in a banned state, so what did I find so fascinating?  Take another look!  "Make fewer than 30 sales per month?"

That statement got me to thinking...While there are many reasons to use this product, how could they most influence my readers.  

Note: I didn't not get all these reasons from the sales page or product, but rather from previous research and how I would hope to implement it to my advantage today.  I'm hoping that you will find you can benefit from the same.

Stay with me as I give you at least 10 good reasons to jump on board with a new Azon Attitude Adjustment in my next post.

Till next time... 


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